Wave Styling with 20K Gold Styling Gel

Good for both men and women’s hairstyles. It is excellent for ponytail styles, natural weaves and synthetic hair, laying down the nape area or edges of the hair. It is also good for giving waves to very short hairstyles. The styling gel can be applied to set or dry hair. Hair is conditioned, giving it a non-flaking medium hold and the hair doesn’t become greasy.


To create a wave style on short, coarse hair:

  1. Shampoo and condition hair.
  2. Comb hair.
  3. Brush hair from crown (center) of head out to edges all around head to begin the wave process. Choose a brush right for you because each type will affect different hair differently.
  4. While hair is still damp, scoop out a dime size amount of gel, run it into hands in an even layer and pat it into hair evenly avoiding hairline.
  5. Continue brushing in same method as above (also known as "wolfing") to help train the hair to create the waves. Your barber can help cut your hair to enhance the wave pattern.
20 Karat